Make Out With Japanese / language:Japanese

A Story to Get Your Pulse Pounding
  • Choose your favorite of three Japanese girls to pursue.
  • Follow the story from the first encounter to dating, making love, and all the way to marriage.
    It goes without saying that you can enjoy the love scenes as much as you want.
  • If you seduce all three girls, a mysterious and gorgeous fourth girl appears.
You meet each girl in a different exciting location, so you can enjoy the game as if you were traveling in Japan.

Application Features
  • Your Japanese pronunciation will be tested using a speech recognition engine. If your pronunciation isn't good enough, the girl will get upset and your game will end. Pay close attention to the pronunciation examples and imitate them to the best of your ability.
  • Don't worry, the Japanese texts will be accompanied by romaji transliterations as well as English translations.


All of the girls have different personalities. One is kind, one is shy, another is hot-tempered...
The column of hearts on the left side of the screen keeps track of the girl's mood so you know how you are doing.
Try to fill the column to the maximum of ten hearts!

Game play
Requirements:iPhone OS 3.0 or later

Staff Credit
Copyright ® 2010 Advanced-Media / Prezam / Zero2